Community Development Department
20 2nd Ave SW
Oelwein, IA 50662
Ph: (319) 283-5862
Request for Bids for Asbestos Remediation
The City of Oelwein has acquired a number of properties to be demolished, of these, 8 require asbestos remediation. We would like to begin demolition in early September.
UPDATE 1: The structures will be open for walk-through on Wednesday, July 13, from 8 AM to 3PM for any contractor wishing to have a closer look for a more accurate bid.The structures will be open for walk-through on Wednesday, July 13, from 8 AM to 3PM for any contractor wishing to have a closer look for a more accurate bid.
All bids should be returned to Oelwein City Hall. The bids shall be in a sealed envelope marked on the outside with the name of the contractor and “Asbestos Remediation” and addressed to the Oelwein City Clerk, 20 Second Avenue SW, Oelwein, Iowa 50662. UPDATE 2: Bids may alternatively be emailed to
Bids shall be received up to 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, July 20th, 2022, at which time all bids will be opened and read aloud by the City Clerk, or other city official. After review by city council on Monday, July 25, 2022, all bidders will receive written notice as to the bid results and the bids to be accepted.
The City of Oelwein reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or part of a bid received.
Any questions concerning the bidding may be directed to Dylan Mulfinger, City Administrator at 319-283-5440.